Edgar Palacios

Revolución Educativa

Edgar Palacios believes community partnership is the key to moving the needle for Kansas City’s Latinx students. As founder of the Latinx Education Collaborative, he relies on community engagement and empowerment to amplify the voices of students, teachers, and families.

 Latinx Education Collaborative’s political arm, Revolución Educativa (RevEd), advocates for policies that help engage Latinx teachers and families and remove barriers to their participation in the education system. With community power at its core, RevEd believes that the only way to effect positive change and improve education outcomes is to come together to give communities the tools, resources, and support needed to build sustained collective power in Kansas City. 

“In Kansas City, we are learning how to break down barriers and silos. I’m excited that we are demonstrating how to do that. At RevEd, we are community-driven and proximate to the issues. We are building deep relationships with families, educators, and students.”

– Edgar Palacios